Banquet at the hermit Hu Si's house at the foot of the southern mountains



Banquet at the hermit Hu Si's house at the foot of the southern mountains

作者:李白, 朝代: 唐

Author: Li Bai, dynasty: Tang.



暮从碧山下, 山月随人归。





长歌吟松风, 曲尽河星稀。


The sunset is fading in the turquoise mountains, the mountain moon is following us.

I'll turn around for a moment - emeralds will melt in the lapis lazuli sea

Here is the house - the boy will open a passage for us among the thorny branches.

A path runs between bamboo stems covered with ivy.

We do not need words - we will dilute the joy of meetings with wine.

The sounds of songs among the pines will call out, flying with the wind to the stars.

I'm already drunk, and my friends are having fun, looking for oblivion ...




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