Confucius “The Great Teaching”


大学之道, 在明明德,在亲民, 在止于至善。(path of self-improvement in clarifying virtues, proximity to the people, the knowledge of the limits of perfection)

知止而后有< (knowing the limits of perfection, confidence appears)(Filled with confidence, you can be calm)(having calmed down, you can be ready)(having prepared – to think)(thinking - to achieve the goal)(all things have a cause and a result)(everything has its own patterns)(knowing these principles, you are getting closer to understanding the world order)

古之欲明明德于天下者, 先治其国 (in ancient times, a man who wants to spread a virtue in China (the world), first (required) staged their own state). The one who seeks to equip his kingdom - first puts things in order in the family. Seeking to organize the family - first educates himself. A person who strives to educate himself corrects his heart. He who seeks to correct the heart is sincere in his intentions. (aspiring to be sincere in intentions - aspires to knowledge)(striving for knowledge consists in comprehending the forms of things) (comprehending the forms of things - comes to knowledge)(having reached knowledge, he becomes sincere in intentions), (having reached sincerity in intentions, he will correct the heart), (having reached the correctness of the heart, he will educate himself)A person who has brought himself up will bring order to the family. A person who has ordered the family will be able to equip the state., 国治而后天下平(those who equip the state will be able to pacify the whole world).

(from the emperor to the commoner - everything is based only on self-improvement)(the base is in disarray, and the top is ordered –this does not happen)(virtue was weak, but dishonor was strong - it doesn't happen that way either) 。

"康诰"曰:克明德德<< (in the chapter "Kangao&quot [1] it says: modesty clarifies virtue)"太甲[2] "曰:顾是天天(in "Taijia" it says: the root cause is the will Sky)"帝典 [3]"曰: 克明德德 (the "Code of Emperors" says:modesty demonstrates high virtues)(this is obvious).

汤之“盘铭 [4]曰 (the inscription on Tan's plate reads)(if you update, update every day, after completing the update, update again)-"康诰"曰:作新民 (In "Kangao" it says: to be a new nation)(In "Shijing" it says: Although Zhou is an ancient state, its high mission is to help the renewal) (that's why the noble man strives for the ideal in everything)。

"诗"云:邦畿千里,惟民所止Inn "Shijing" States: in the state of a thousand miles all aspire to the capital)。"诗"云:缗蛮黄鸟止于丘隅 (in the "Shijing" says: a flock of wild canaries lives on the hills )。子曰:于止,知其所止, 可以人而不如鸟乎? (Confucius says: speaking of limits, to know where the limits are, can a person be worse than a bird?), "诗"(in "Shijing" it says: the peace-loving Wenwang brought together the principles (limits) of prosperity and reverence!). 为人人, ( (for the ruler, this is humanity);为人人, ( (for a dignitary, this is reverence);为人子子((for a son, sons are reverence) ; 为人人, ( (for the father - kindness)(in communication with people -- sincerity).

"诗"─:"瞻彼淇澳,< (in "Shijing" it says: contemplating the green bamboo in the bends of the river)(a brilliant noble man in teaching grinds his knowledge and tirelessly polishes his mind like a precious jade)。瑟兮__兮(?)(He is serious and talented) (has a solid appearance and manners)! (a brilliant noble husband can never be slandered!)"如切如磋"者,道学也 ("Polish knowledge"" means a principle of great teaching) ;如琢如磨"者,自修也 ("polishing mind" is a self-improvement)("serious and talented" means impressive and collected")("solid appearance and manners" means impressive appearance)。“有斐君子,终不可谊兮”者,道盛德至善,民之不能忘也! (a brilliant noble husband who can never be slandered, virtues flourish and reach the ideal, the people will never forget him)。

"诗"─ (in "Shijing" it says):於戏(Eh, ma)!前王((do not forget the previous rulers)(a noble husband appreciates and loves his own kind)(a little man rejoices in his little joys and strives for his little profit)(This should not be forgotten until death).

─曰:“听讼,,人人人。。。<<(Confucius says: When sorting out a lawsuit, I, like others, strive to avoid litigation!)”无情者不得尽其辞,大民民民民志 ( (A hard-hearted person could not express everything he wants and be afraid of the will of the people - this is called knowledge of the basics).<–p>

所谓致知在格物者, 言欲致吾之知(as you know, the one who seeks to know the forms of things, seeks to know himself)(a specific thing contains the ultimate meaning). 盖人心之灵莫不有知,而天下之物莫不有理( in the soul of every man lives the mind, and all things in the world are the principles),惟于理有未穷,故其知有不尽也 (ideal infinite, so his knowledge is also infinite)。是以"大学"始教,必始学者即凡天下之物,莫不因其己知之理而益穷之, 以求至乎其极 (beginner study of the treatise "Great teaching", be sure to understand all things in the world, based on the available knowledge that will help him to new limits, and thereby to achieve the ideal)。至于用力之久,而一旦豁然贯通焉( takes a long time to work,but one day suddenly come attainment) 则众物之表里精粗无不到,而吾心之全体大用无不明矣(and then the character and essence of all things will become clear, and all my natural abilities and acquired knowledge will achieve epiphany)(This is called the forms of things, this is called the limits of knowledge).

所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也(as you know, sincere thoughts are not cheating yourself)。如恶恶臭, 如好好色,此之谓自谦 (it is as natural as to love the smell and love of beauty women – it's called peace of mind)(therefore, a noble husband should be circumspect and a little lonely).

(the rabble even in their free time is engaged in evil deeds, in which they do not know the measure)(at the sight of a noble husband, he is disgusted, seeks to hide his shortcomings and stick out his virtues)(people see it like all his insides, then what's the point?)(This is called sincerity in the soul and its manifestation in external form)(therefore, a noble husband should be circumspect and a little lonely).

所谓修身在其心正者 (as to understand that self-improvement is based on the correctness of the heart),身有所忿zhi则不得其正(if a person is living in, the anger in his heart will not be correct); 有所恐惧,则不得其正(if the fear, the heart will not be correct); 有所好乐,则不得其正 (if addiction – the heart will not be correct); 有所忧患,则不得其正(if you care, the heart will not be correct)。心不在焉,视而不见(and if the heart is not in place, then looking – you don't see)(when listening, you don't hear, when eating, you don't feel the taste)(this is called self-improvement based on the correctness of the heart ).

(how to understand that it is possible to organize a family only on the basis of self-improvement)(then the person pulls away, what is dear to him)(Withdraws from what he despises)(Withdraws from what he respects),之其所哀怜而辟焉(from what he grieves and regrets)(of what he is proud of)。 故好而知其恶,恶(wu)而知其美者, 天下鲜矣 (so few people in China can see the bad in the good and the beauty in Vice) !故谚有之曰:“人莫知其子之恶,莫知其苗之硕。(proverb says: the person can not know how bad their children, can't know how powerful the shoots will be.)" 此谓身不修,不可以齐其家 (This is called "it is impossible to restore order in the family without self-improvement").

所谓治国必先齐家者 ( As to understand what it wants to equip the first state to restore order in the family) ,其家不可教而能教人者,无之(there is no way that can educate people who can't raise his family)。故君子不出家而成教于国 (so noble man maybe not leaving your home to become a mentor of the people)(the one with filial piety serves the sovereign) (the younger one serves the elder);慈者, ( (kind can direct the masses)。

"诗"云:"桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁 (In the "Shijing" States: strong peach tree covered with lush foliage。之子于归,宜其家人 (for noble husband basis – the right attitude in the family)。” 宜其家人人国国人 ( (by establishing the right relationships in the family, you can instruct the people)。“诗"云:"其仪不忒,正是四国" ( In the "Shijing" says: "(This) etiquette is not too complicated and includes four sections"。其为父子兄弟足法,而后民法之也 (It's the relationship with the father, son, older and younger brother if they are all exemplary, the people, too, will continue to do so) 。此谓治国, 在其齐家 (so to equip the state to restore order in the family)。

(How to understand that you can pacify the whole world after you equip the state)(if the ruler respects the elders, then the sons of reverence is spread among the people), 上长长, 而民兴弟 (if the Governor respects the older,the people refers to him as the younger brother to the older) 上恤孤, 而民不倍 (if the ruler is helping widows and orphans, and the people will help)(that's why a noble husband has the principle of proportionality)

第三十四计 苦肉计
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