Переводческое состязание 3-й тур

Поэтический турнир

Друзья!  Вот и пришло время подводить итоги второго тура нашего Поэтического турнира.

Победителем по итогам народного голосования в известной вам группе ВКонтакте стал Павел! С чем мы его и поздравляем, а предложенный им вариант перевода, как и версии других участников, можно посмотреть ниже.


Говорят, что Дефо Даниель
Утром пил исключительно эль.
И чтобы пена стояла 
У края бокала
Добавлял порошок "Ариэль"





Другие варианты перевода, присланные участниками:



Автор: Анна


Автор: Инкогнито



Автор: Паша


С историей нашего переводческого состязания можно ознакомиться здесь:

Поэтический турнир 2-й тур.

Поэтический турнир 1-й тур.

Confucius Judgments and Conversations


(Confucius says)(learning and constantly repeating what you have learned, isn't it a pleasure)?有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎(a friend came from afar, isn't it a joy)(being unknown, don't be angry – isn't that a noble husband)?

有子曰(Confucius says:(rarely does one who treats people with filial piety and brotherly love tend to commit crimes against a superior)(it does not happen that someone who is not prone to crimes against a superior is prone to mutiny)(the noble man deals with the foundation), (relies on the foundation and determines the truth) Sons, reverence and brotherly love are the basis of humanity!

(Confucius says: "Eloquence and hypocrisy are never combined with humanity)!

曾子曰(Zengzi said)- (I think about my deeds three times a day) - When I think about others, was I sincere?(communicating with friends, did I believe them?) 传不习乎(passing on knowledge, did I study myself?)

(Confucius said):道国国(in a state, full of virtue)(respectfully serve and are trusted)(economical and humane)(do not distract people during agricultural work)。

(Confucius said):弟子子,(((the youngest starting with filial piety comes to brotherly love),谨而信(shows respect and trusts),泛爱众,而亲仁(treats others with love and appreciates humanity)(and he will spend his excess energy on studying culture)。

(Zixia said):贤贤易色(it is easy for a wise man to show wisdom);事父母能竭其力(serving parents - to give everything);事君能致其身 (serving the ruler – to give all of yourself);与朋友交,有有信 (communicating with friends - believe the words)。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣(although he did not study, but it should be called scholarship)。

子曰(Confucius says:(a noble man without being serious will not enjoy authority), (he will not consolidate knowledge while studying),(the main thing is to be faithful)(you can't know yourself without friends)(having made a mistake, don't be afraid to correct it).

曾子曰(Tsengzi said(By always being prudent and setting high goals, the virtues of the people will be strengthened).

子禽问于子贡曰(Tsytsin asked Zigong branch: 夫子至于是邦也,必闻其政(An educated person, having reached state issues, will definitely become known for his politics)(Should we strive for this? should I give up on this? ) 子((Zigong said):夫子温,良,恭,俭,让以得之(mild-mannered, sincerity, piety and thrift educated person will help him to achieve this)(the reason for an educated person's desire for fame) (differs from the reasons for a similar desire of other people)。

子曰(Confucius said (while the father is alive - follow his will– when the father is gone - follow his deeds)Three years of not changing the father's principles - this is called the sons of reverence–

有子曰(Confucius has it said:(When using etiquette, harmony is valuable)。先王之道斯为美,小大由之(The beauty of the way of the previous rulers lies precisely in this, greatness and insignificance stem from here)(if something does not work out, then the one who has comprehended harmony will be moderate)(won't regulate it by etiquette, since it won't work that way any more)。

有子曰(Confucius says)(sincerity is close to duty, and words can be repeated)(reverence brings you closer to etiquette, and protects you from shame)(if you do not lose loved ones, then you can create a clan (dynasty))。

子曰(Confucius said: 君子食无求饱 ((If) a noble man does not strive for satiety in food),(in life – does not strive for tranquility)(effective in business and careful in speech)(fair and behaves with dignity)(then we can say that he was a good student)。

The Zigong said (to be poor and not to grovel)(to be rich and not to be arrogant)(What it feels like)? 子 ( (Confucius said):可也(It's possible)(rejoice as if you are not poor,   follow etiquette as if you are not rich).

A贡曰((Zigong saida:"诗"A:如切如磋,,“(The Shijing says "polish your knowledge and polish your mind"),其斯之谓与(what does it mean)?子曰(Confucius said):赐也,始可与言“诗”己矣(Worthy, we can talk about "Shijing" first)(turn to the past and know the future)。

子曰(Confucius said)人人,,人人人((I do not know people who do not suffer; when suffering, I do not tell people about it.

子曰(Confucius) said: 为政以德, 譬如北辰 ( virtuous politics is like the North star), 居其所而众星共之(it takes its place, and all the other stars are grouped around).

(Confucius said): "诗",", "(There are three hundred verses in the Shijing, all of them can be covered in one phrase), 曰: "思无邪(Do not keep evil in mind)"

子((Confucius says): 道,, 齐之以刑, 民 民(If we spread the truth with the help of politics and organize with the help of punishments, then the people will avoid it without shame) . (If you spread the truth with virtue and organize with etiquette, then conscience and shame will become the norm).

子((Confucius said): 吾十有有志志学学(Fifteen to concentrate in class), 三十而立(thirty – become an adult), 四十而不惑 (forty – do not be tempted), 五十而知天命 (fifty – to know the will of Heaven), 六十而耳顺 (sixty – understand the true meaning (hindsight), 七十而从心所欲(seventy – be free) , 不逾矩(it does not violate a norm).

孟懿子问孝(MenI asked what is the sons of reverence). 子((Confucius says): 无违(Do not violate).

樊迟御(Fanchi arrived). (Confucius told him): 孟孙问孝于我(Mengsun asked me about filial piety), 我对曰, 无违 (I replied: do not violate). 樊迟曰(Fanchi said): 何谓也 (how to understand)? 子 (Confucius said): 生, 事之以礼(to serve parents according to etiquette); 死葬之以礼 (after death to bury them according to etiquette), 祭之以礼(to make sacrifices to ancestors according to etiquette).

孟武伯问孝 (Men Ubo asked what the sons of reverence is). 子(Confucius said): 父母唯其疾之忧 (Worry only about the health of parents).

(Ziyu asked about filial piety). 子((Confucius said): 今之孝者, 是((Today, the one who contains is called respectful). 至于犬马, 皆能有((everyone can keep horses and dogs). 不敬, 和((without respect, what's the difference)?

(Zixia asked about filial piety). 子((Confucius replied): 色难(it is difficult to determine). 有事,弟子服其劳(when you have a job – working Junior); 有酒食, 先生馔(when there's food and drink – first senior), 曾是以为孝乎(is called FILIAL reverence?)

(Confucius says): 吾与回言终日(I studied with Yan Hui all day), 不违, 如愚 (he never objected, like a fool). (I found out about his life after the class), 亦足以发 (he completely follows what I told him), 回也不愚(it turns out he is not a fool).

(Confucius says): 视其所以(who has seen the results), 观其所由(who has observed the causes), 察其所安(and has known peace), 人焉瘦哉 (can such a person be unhappy)?

(Confucius says): 温故而知新(to study the past in order to know the future), 可以为师矣 (this is worthy of imitation)

(Confucius says): 君子不器(A noble man does not stick out his talents).

(Zigong asked about the noble husband). (Confucius replied): 先行其言, 而后从之 (first does what he said, and then tells about it).

(Confucius said): 君子周周(The noble man covers all aspects, but does not approach), 小人周周(approaches, but cannot cover everything).

子((Confucius says): 学而不思, 则罔(thoughtless study leads to delusion); 思而不学, 则殆 (thinking without study is dangerous).

(Confucius says): 攻乎异端, 斯害也已 (comprehension of false teachings is harmful).

(Confucius says): 由, 诲女知之乎 (the reason, is it known to those who teach you?) 知之为知之(to those who know – is known), 不知为不知(to those who do not know – is not known), 是!! (this is the wisdom!)

(Zizhang studied how to get a reward). 子曰(Confucius) said: 多闻阙疑(having heard much about the neglect of the doubt), 慎言其余, 则寡尤(careful judgments and rarely wrong); 多见阙殆(many times seen the disregard of danger), 慎行其余, 则寡悔(be careful in the actions will not regret it). 言寡尤, 行寡悔, 禄在在中((not to make mistakes in judgments, not to regret actions -this is the way to reward).

哀公公 (Aigun[1] asked a question): 何为则民服(How to act so that the people obey?) 孔子对曰(Confucius) said: 举直错诸枉, 则民服(if you act honestly and accidentally commit injustice, then the people will submit to); 举枉错诸直, 则民不服(if you act unjustly and by accident to be honest, the people would not obey).

李康子曰(Lycan said): 使民,, 忠以劝, 如之何?(How to instill in people a respect and encourage it to be sure?) 子曰 (Confucius) said: 临之以庄, 则敬(dealing with him to be serious, then the people will be respectful); 孝慈, 则忠(synov'û to show respect and kindness – then the people will be sincere); 举善而教不能, 则劝 (push virtuous and to instruct non-talent (impatient) – this will encourage loyalty).

或谓孔子曰(Confucius was asked): 子??(don't You involved in politics?) 子曰 (Confucius) said: "书"云(In "Chansu" States): 孝乎惟孝(dutiful son remembers synovium duty), 友于兄弟(friends with the brothers), 施于有政(serves ruler). (this is all politics), 奚其为为政 (isn't this a political activity)?

(Confucius said):(a person without faith does not know his capabilities). 大车无ni(2) (large cart without a yoke), 小yyue(4) (small cart without a yoke), 其何以行之哉? (will they be able to go?)

(Tzu Zhang asked): 十世可知也? (Is it possible to know ten epochs?) (Confucius replied): 殷因于夏礼, 所损益, 可知也(the Yin dynasty was based on the etiquette of Xia, decreased and multiplied, experienced periods of crisis and flourishing), it is known); 周,, 所损益, 可知也(the Zhou dynasty was based on Xia etiquette, decreased and multiplied (experienced periods of crisis and flourishing), it is known). (Although Zhou and her heirs will exist for a hundred epochs, they should know this).

Семинар по синхрону


Рады сообщить, что наш семинар состоится 19.04.2019 в 15:00 по адресу: Чистопрудный бульвар, д. 11, стр. 1. 
Для участия необходимо отправить предварительную заявку по адресу info@tongchuanzu.ru.
Стоимость участия – 10 т.р. .


Семинар «Синхронный перевод: минимальный стандарт качества»

В настоящее время рынок синхронного перевода в различных языковых парах быстро растет. При этом у заказчиков и поставщиков услуг отсутствует единое понимание того, что является хорошим синхронным переводом, и методики оценки его качества, пригодной для людей, не владеющих иностранными языками. Эта проблема особенно актуальна для редких (в первую очередь, восточных) языков.

Такое положение дел, с одной стороны, идет в ущерб интересам заказчика, подменяя подбор специалиста по критерию профессионализма гонкой дутых резюме и делая невозможным подачу рекламаций на качество перевода (нулевая ответственность переводчика). С другой стороны, это вредит интересам переводчиков, поскольку отсутствие у заказчика объективной методики оценки качества перевода зачастую приводит к ее подмене абсолютно надуманными и необъективными претензиями («не так сидите», «он мне не нравится»). В то же время, отсутствие стандартов качества позволяет приходить в профессию все менее квалифицированным людям, что толкает уровень качества и ожиданий клиентов от перевода вниз, сваливая профессию в штопор, на каждом последующем витке которого уровень профессионализма и качество перевода снижается.

В рамках семинара делается попытка сформулировать минимальный стандарт качества синхронного перевода, а также создать методику оценки качества, которая могла бы быть использована людьми, не владеющими иностранным языком. Кроме того, на практических примерах рассматриваются вопросы применения минимального стандарта качества.

Что будет обсуждаться:

Вводные замечания: что мы понимаем под синхронным переводом?

Сессия 1. Базовые установки синхронного перевода -- откуда вырастает стандарт качества?

Сессия 2. Стандарт качества: голос решает многое

Сессия 3. Стандарт качества: соответствие звукового ряда и образа спикера

Сессия 4. Индивидуальность спикера: игра с ненулевой суммой


Что новенького?  Программа  семинара значительно обновлена, использованы новые записи с мероприятий за последние 1,5 года. Рассчитываем, что наконец-то состоится  "свободная практика"(возможность посинхронить в обе стороны без подготовки на незнакомом материале для всех желающих), дав шанс участникам семинара проявить собственные таланты и умения.

В свете этого просьба к участникам принести аудио и видеоматериалы, которые будут предложены для синхронного перевода без подготовки.

Переводческое состязание 1-й тур

Поэтический турнир.  

Друзья! Хотя наш поэтический турнир еще очень молод, но мы бережно относимся к его истории (надеемся. что она будет длинной и яркой:)), и тщательным образом собираем и сохраняем все материалы этого состязания.
Вот что у нас получилось в первом туре:


Исходный текст:

Взрослых дочек банкир из Констанцы
Не пускал ни в кино, ни на  танцы
Потому что в кино, дескать, слишком темно,
А на танцах одни голодранцы.




Автор: Яна Фу
作者: 付艳洁


Прочие варианты:


Автор: Сяо Бай

Questionnaire 15.10.2013

1. Pick up the Russian equivalent of the Chinese phrase:七尺脚穿三寸鞋 –硬装

2. How to say "dance while young" through the mouth of a classic of Chinese poetry? And what kind of classics are we talking about? (hint: the stanza is taken from a rather famous poem, the name of which could be translated with some imagination as Moonlight and vodka)


3. Pick up the Chinese version of the idiomatic expression "Neither fish nor meat".

4. Fill in the gaps in the poem below, remember its author and title and make a literary translation:

___________, ___________。

__________, 苍苍横翠微。


__________, __________。


__________, 曲尽河星稀。


5.And probably the most difficult thing is the translation of the chastushka:

It has become better to live in Russia

Where we suddenly don't show up

Everywhere bread for seven kopecks

And the roads for...be

1. 七尺脚穿三 - -硬装 -- "squeeze into the procrustean bed"


2. "Dance while you're young" --行乐须及春。。The stanza is taken from a poem by Li Bai 月下独酌



3. "Neither fish nor meat"。There can be a lot of options, for example, 七个钱放两处 --不三不四 or 杂交骡子 – 非驴非马.


4. Poem: 下中南山山山山山山,, 作者:李白<

Translation option:








The sunset is fading in the turquoise mountains, the mountain moon is following us.

I'll turn around for a moment - emeralds will melt in the lapis lazuli sea.

Here is the house - the boy will open a passage for us among the thorny branches.

A path runs between bamboo stems covered with ivy.

We do not need words - we will dilute the joy of meetings with wine.

The sounds of songs among the pines will call out, flying with the wind to the stars.

I'm already drunk, and my friends are having fun, looking for oblivion ...

 5.And for dessert – a chastushka from tandem:

It has become better to live in Russia

Where we suddenly don't show up

Everywhere bread for seven kopecks

And the roads for...be





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第十八计 擒贼擒王
Чтобы поймать разбойников, надо прежде поймать главаря