Gazebo in the Tien Shan Mountains



安山亭 (北行见杏花)
Gazebo in the Yanshan mountains
(on the way north to look at apricot flowers)

作者:赵佶. 朝代:北宋.

Author: Zhao Ji. Period: Northern Song Dynasty.

(tailored from snow-white silk with a touch of blush). 羞杀蕊珠宫女(elegant and fragrant flowers will make even a court maid of honor burn with envy).

易得凋零,、、. 愁苦(the petals fall off too easily under the merciless wind and rain. Dreary...). ("How many springs have already passed?" - I whisper in the cold silence of the courtyard).

凭寄离恨重重,这双燕, 何曾会人言语?(Who will share my homesickness? Here are the swallows, will they understand my words?) 天遥地远,万水千山,知他故宫何处?怎不思量?(Far, far away, I'm in a strange land, even where I can't remember my house...)! (and only in a dream sometimes I go back there… Impossible!...and I almost don't dream about home...).

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