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русско-китайского синхронного перевода

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About us

Andrey Belyakov-simultaneous translation


My name is Andrey Belyakov and I happy to welcome you to Tongchuanzu – the website devoted to Russian-Chinese simultaneous interpreting. 


This online resource is likely to be useful for:

- simultaneous interpreters from Chinese;

- those looking for high-quality Russian-Chinese interpreting services;

- those starting a career in translation;

- amateurs interested in the field.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teachers, professor Li Ynian and Paul Lu (you can find their photos are at the top of the main page), whose patience and persistence let me master the art and skills of the profession. I am deeply grateful to you!





yours faithfully,

team of Tongchuanzu.ru



The section “What is simultaneous translation” is devoted to its history. Here you can try to complete several tasks that usually  make up an interpreter's work. A collection of famous stories and jokes which have become a part of the history of translation can also be found here.

 The section called «The cherry on the cake» will help you to translate various constructions and idioms in a more correct way. Here you can also find my translations of famous philosophical treatises and the poems of the great poets of Song and Tang dynasty.

 «Miscallaneous»  is a section that will bring a lot of fun into any audience where you will where you will deliver a speech or make a translation, and it can also help to srenghten the connection between the lecturer and the audience.  You can find the equivalents of Russian proverbs present in China. By the way, my team tried to translate some Russian ditties.


If you want to contact us online or you are in a right mood to discuss whith us any topic connected to linguistics we will be glad to share our knowledge with you.

You can learn about new sections and subsections of the website in the subsecton "What is new"

ПообщатьсяTo commuticate and discuss the issues you are interested in go to the section «Live chat».

You can find ways to get in touch with us in the section  «Contact info»


What's new:


Poetical tournament





Online resources we recommend:

Memorial website of Elena Kishkina (Li Sha)www.lisha2015.com






What we offer

We specialize in providing interpreting services and equipment for international confereces and corporate meetings of heads of federal executive branch departments and state corporation with their chinese partners.

Over the last years we have gained rich experience in the field and are ready to provide:

✔  Reputation. We possess all the nessesary education and experience to successfully hold the event. To track major conferences and events completed  in resent years go to the section Let me introduce myself.

High quality standarts. We maintain our interpreting services at high level and provide the client with the tools to ensure the service to be in line with the stated requirements (see Simultaneous interpreting: Minimum quality standards»).
Privacy policy.  We suggest a set of measures to limit the number of individuals with access to the data prevent sensitive data leakage (Further information on request).
Broad area of competence. М Wework on extending and strenghthening our competencies in different areas on a daily basis. You can learn more about our result in thesaurus section, wich is updated regularly (see Thesaurus).
Legitimate payment schemes. Based on and tailored to the needs of a particular client we suggest legal ways of payment without  multiple intermediaries, thus minimizing tax payment and simplifying financial operations.


Recommendation: Upon choosing an interpretering service we recommended to rate the quality of the services based neither on very high or low prices. As the sayings go: "All that glitters is no gold" or "Buy the best and you only cry once".




 We are honored to offer you a range of interpreting chinese ↔ russian services



(29.02.2016) Finally got around to updating the section Work experience in the category "Let me introduce myself" according to the results of 2015. Sure. there are reasons for pride, but I would like more :).


(22.02.2016) Added new stories about translators to the correspondingsection of our website. Personally, I like the story "Lyrical digression" the most. Read and enjoy!  Friends, if you have stories that you would like to share, send them to us via the feedback form or at the contact addresses specified here. We will be happy to publish them.


(16.02.2016) Friends! The first translation version appeared in our poetry tournament. Thanks to Yana, who coped with the task not only very quickly, but also very efficiently. Looking at the translation here. And you and I are weak?


(1.02.2016) I have returned from vacation and am ready to take up our resource with new strength and fresh ideas. To begin with, I would like to invite you to the poetic lists, where the word is instead of the sword. instead of a spear, there is a rhyme, and there are no losers. Welcome toPoetry Tournament!


(30.12.2015) Friends! Happy New Year! We sincerely wish you peace. health, well-being and mutual understanding. And if there are difficulties with the latter, then you can always count on us :). And as a New Year's gift - new proverbs and sayings in the category " The word is not a sparrow" section Smehuechki.


(20.12.2015) Today I returned from the wonderful city of Xiamen, where I took part in the 8th meeting of the Joint Russian-Chinese Commission on the Rational Use and Protection of Transboundary Waters. It was very pleasant to work again with great professionals in their field - M.V.Seliverstova, Head of the Federal Agency for Water Resources and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Liu Zhenmin, who headed the delegations of the parties, as well as other colleagues. And in general, it's just a dream: the sea, the south, the beautiful city of Xiamen and the romantic island of Gulanyu.  I really want to go back there on vacation :)


(8.12.2015) The translation of the poem "Cherries for cake" href="/en/interesnoe/prozrachnyj-ruchej">"Transparent stream" by the Tang poet Wang Wei. And indeed, is it possible to imagine without his works?



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